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Let's Talk Menopause

Not necessarily a fun subject, but one that has been impeding my every day functioning - sleep, brain function, hot flashes, migraines.  So along with cleaning out the refrigerator and pantry and adding plant-based whole foods, consider a hormone balancing smoothie and drink each morning. 

For a drink, just have water with lemon juice or raspberry leaf tea.  For the smoothie, try adding a green, a healthy fat, and a fiber for each morning. For lowering estrogen, pick ingredients with Vitamin E - pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, spinach and broccoli. Get essential fatty acids from chia or flax seeds as well as fiber. Add local honey for biflavinoids that help the body release hormones evenly.  Find the mix of ingredients you like.  Here is a suggestion:

  • 1 cup almond milk or water

  • several cups of dark leafy greens (spinach, kale)

  • ½ cup frozen berries (strawberries, other berries, mango, pineapple)

  • 1 banana or avocado

  • 2 tablespoons flax seeds or chia seeds

For intensified help with the menopause journey, consider taking a course. Last Fall, I took the 5 week course with Prep4Health. If you are interested in a quick week course, the 5 week course or a 14 day phone based program, email me at and I will let you know when the next course starts and how to sign up.


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