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Easy and delicious

Easy and delicious is all I want to hear for meal prep! I have made Tikka Masala Meatballs several times this winter and I am going to make the Chickpea Curry this weekend. These 2 recipes are easy sneezy and SO delicious. You can substitute plant based meat (shred in your food processor) or crumbles. If you have a Trader Joe's nearby, that is the most economical place to purchase the coconut milk.

These 2 dishes are probably most often served with rice. I love rice too, but I recently found Palmini Hearts of Palm Linguine and I am hooked! The resealable bag is in the pasta aisle at Kroger but is also available on Amazon as linguine, angel hair or lasagna sheets. I can't wait to try the lasagna sheets!!

And if you are going more vegan, check out the great tips from Real Simple. Vegan or vegetarian does not always equal healthy.

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