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The Desire to Share and Create

I studied English Education in college after I dropped the idea of being a psychologist because psych 101 was so painful.

I have been a reader my entire life. I can remember being a teenager and reading through vacations at relative's houses.

I loved classes in college where 'all' you had to do was read and then write about it.

I have always loved fiction the most. Particularly British literature. These days I still read quite a bit of new fiction.

Recently, I picked up Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. Not my normal pick - non fiction.

However, I read through this paperback with pleasure and excitement and lots of ah ha moments.

I even dog eared a bunch of pages because her words rang so true to me, I could not bear not remembering what I had just read.

For those of you in a certain stage of life like I am, my memory is not what it used to be. I attribute this to many things - constantly multi tasking, the massive influx of information into our eyes and ears on a daily, hourly and minute by minute basis, working from home, running a home, mothering 2 awesome women, keeping my marriage alive and important, etc. You know what I'm saying.

This book lit a fire in me in so many ways. One of those ways was this website. Realizing the knowledge I had gained and the desire to share it in a creative format.

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